So that is super awesome about Stephan! He is going to love it! I´m sure I will see him around once he gets out into the mission field!
Anyway i will try to remember everthing I wanted to say.
Thanks for sending stuff, but I haven´t recieved any mail from anyone just so you know. I think I gave you the right address but there could be one small change. it should be
Elder Jordan Carlson
Argentina MTC
Bonpland 2349/55
(c1425 FEW) Buenos Aires
The only thing that I think might have got messed up is the ´FEW´ i might have put ´FWE´ because there is a paper in my room that says that, but its a missprint.
Anyway some crazy stuff has happened here. Not too crazy. Our water supply is currently cut off, we haven´t had fresh water in like 3 days, but its no big deal we just drink a lot of orange juice during meals and stuff. We weren´t able to shower either for the past few days but just recently they filled up the tanks for the building with river water so we can at least shower and use the toliet. They are supposed to have it fixed by tonight I think though, but that's what they said yesterday too so we will see.
It rained for the first time. It was crazy it was really strong rain and it was like the entire day, on Tuesday and quite a bit on Wednesday too.
Thanks for forwarding those letters, I also sent one to mark, make sure he knows the correction to my address, you can use my phone to get his phone number or just send him a message on facebook or something.
Everyone is allowed to email me so you can post something on my facebook wall or something or on my blog telling everyone to email instead of write letters, Also I have heard the takes like 14 days to get to me so you will probably want to avoid that as well.
We have our first transfer coming up this next week, we are going to be losing 50 Latinos and 15 North Americans, right now we have 50 latinos and 26 North Americans, then we have 2 days of only 11 missionaries in the whole CCM and then in exactly one week we get 40 Latinos and 3 North Americans, the 3 white guys are going to Montevideo West, but its still cool.
I don't think i have ever mentioned it but all the latinos here can't say my name, really they just can't say the L so they always pronucne it Carson, I eventually just started saying it like that too for simplicity sake.
We are going to have a really weird schedule for G.C. on Saturday and Sunday, first off we are still going proselyting which is cool and then we are watching a recorded session after that, and priesthood session live, which starts at 9pm our time and goes to 11, so we will be going to be a little late on saturday, then on Sunday we are watching the other Saturday session and the Sunday ones. I am really excited for it. Especially because its in English!!! We have had a few firesides and things and most of them are in English but when ever we have a Spanish only meeting I don't really get very much from it, just a small nap.... haha
By far the coolest part of the week has been Proselitismo.
Saturday they bussed us out about a half an hour into Buenos Aires into an area called Itzango or something like that and we went off in our companionships and preached the gospel, in Spanish, or kind of in Spanish. haha It wasn´t scary or anything like that becuase we had worked out before hand what to say to people when we first found them, the hard part was trying to understand what they said back, and formulate a response that even remotely related to it!
We ended up talking to a lot of people mostly just walking on the street, We were able to have quite a few meaningful contacts and passed out like 16 or so folletos (pamplets) about the restoration, or plan of salvation, anyway if nothing else we planted a few seeds... But even better than that 3 people accepted an invitation for Baptism! jk, no but for real three people agreed to have us come teach them more!
The thing is... I think the first guy that agreed was just trying to get us to stop bothering him, I'm pretty sure he gave us a fake address, But the next guy was legit interested, he was a younger guy like 25 ish and he was on his way to visit his sister, his name is Luis. The only problem is he live really far outside our area so we just gave him as a referel to the real missionaries in the area. The last guy is named Martin, He is the only one that we will actually teach, We set up an appointment for saturday morning which works perfect for us, haha there is this one question we would always asked people while we were talking to them trying to spark some interest ''Que es lo más importante en su vida?'' it just means what is the most important thing in your life? Anyway usually people say, family, health, or God. but this guy said something and he was the only person we didn't understand! perfect right? any way we are preparing to teach him the first lesson! We will see how it goes!
We also got to go buy some candy and stuff and little stores that are in our area. It was pretty cool especially because all the guys here are always raving about the Panarias, Bakeries. Down here they put this stuff called ''Dulce de Leche'' on everthing! its like a chocolate carmel stuff, its way good! They put it in bread, in cookies, all sorts of stuff... we even get it during regular breakfast in the CCM... anyway I'm running out of time oh ya and there are dogs everywhere. just running around or chilling, I'm not a fan.
Proselitismo was one of the most humbling expirences. I was constanly reminded how blessed I really am. I need to remeber that. Its just amazing. Oh ya and everyone we talked to was really nice, even if they didn't want to listen to what we had to say.
I Love you all!
Elder Jordan Carlson IV